Jarrett Smith is the voice of JSwordSmith.com.

He grew up in Tyler, Tx. Growing up, Jarrett had two real passions – creating stories and tennis. He would write stories and plays and have the neighborhood kids perform them in his backyard for all the parents.
Jarrett competed at a high level in tennis and eventually went to college and played a semester of college tennis before he realized that he’d rather teach than compete. He took that on and went to school for education.
After graduating from The University of Texas at Tyler with a Bachelor’s of the Arts in English, he began to teach.
He has spent the last ten years as an English Teacher and Tennis Coach in Houston, Tx. He put his writing passion on the backburner for years, only working on small projects for fun and competing in NaNoWriMo every year.
After ten years, he realized that he missed writing and started a website to collect all his writing samples. After writing about the New iPhones in 2018 and finding some success there. Jarrett decided to pivot his work sample site into JSwordSmith.com, a place for Tech news and creative writing strategies.
He was recently married to the love of his life in June of 2018 and took co-ownership of his step-dog Kimber. Jarrett and his wife love to travel the world and chronicle their journeys on their blog.

He hopes to continue to grow the website, learn more about coding to improve the site, and to write more creatively. He’d love to publish a book, and make television shows and movies one day as well.
His services are available if you need writing or website creation/maintenance.
You can keep up with Jarrett on Twitter, Facebook, Mastodon, or Instagram.