This post is a little awkward. I’ve never shared anything like this with anyone but loved ones before, but next week, I have a vasectomy scheduled.
Sharing this information is important so other husbands and dads know they aren’t alone and have options. I understand this might also be a hot issue that some people might not agree with, but I think it’s important to share my reasons for going through with the operation.
Our Family is Complete

The primary reason for getting my vasectomy comes down to family planning. As far as we know, no more kids are planned for our family.
We both wanted a son and a daughter, but life brought us two amazing sons. We love them so much, and we love them so much. If we were younger, who knows, we might have tried one more time for a daughter.
Buying five plane tickets somewhere sounds so much more expensive than four. Plus, my father-in-law had a twin brother. The fear of having to raise two babies at the same time outweighs any thought of trying for our next.
But you can’t control what kind of child you have any more than you can control the weather. If we attempted and had another son, I’m not sure we’d have the energy to raise him. These two boys we have now have worn us out.
After we brought son number two into the world, my wife told me she never wanted to be pregnant again. While she was a fantastic pregnant lady, it took a toll on her body and mind. I don’t blame her. I’m in awe with how she handled both pregnancies, and if she’s done, I’m done.
Dangers of This State

As a writer, I like to think I have a vivid imagination. Sadly, the world and the political climate aren’t fictional.
I don’t care what your political opinion is, and I’m not trying to denounce anyone, but my state has made pregnancy more of a health risk than ever before.
I fear that if my wife were to get pregnant again and there were complications, we would have an impossible decision to make. I know that if I were faced with a choice of saving my wife’s life versus an unborn child, I would pick my wife every time. However, in my state, that would make us criminals, and we’d have to go somewhere else to get the healthcare we needed. But even that wouldn’t work since Texas has bounties for things like that.
Again, I’m not trying to make a political statement here. I have nothing against those who are against abortion, but I can’t imagine getting caught in a situation where the health of a mother is brought into question over an unborn fetus.
We were lucky that both of our sons were born without major complications, but each pregnancy brought health complications. With our first son, my wife got heart palpitations. We monitored them on our Apple Watch. With the second, randomly, she had to go to the hospital because her Apple Watch alerted her to an increased heart rate. Besides the health scares and the worries, nothing happened.
I know that I can’t raise these boys alone. Especially since I’m currently a stay-at-home parent, but to even put my wife into a position where we might lose her scares me.
So, I will get a vasectomy so that her health won’t become national news. I will have the operation so that we won’t have to decide whose life we have to save and how much jail time we would have to endure if we chose her life.

I’m married to the love of my life. We have both taken it as a responsibility to avoid having an unplanned pregnancy. That isn’t always the case in all relationships.
Just before we started dating, my wife had to get off of birth control because of complications. We’ve been very lucky that we haven’t had an accident. Now that we’re done with our family, I know I can do this for us.
I want to take the responsibility on. It shouldn’t be just the woman’s responsibility to prevent a pregnancy. While I have done my part, there can always be accidents.
A vasectomy is the best way to ensure that our family doesn’t grow anymore. Of course, we could pump my wife full of chemicals and hormones until she hits menopause, or I could go and get a 30-minute procedure. It seems like a simple choice.
Vasectomy Time
I came into this world eleven years after my older brother. My family lucked out with how I turned out, but I feel my family didn’t have me in the plan.
If my wife and I were to find out we were pregnant, we would do everything we could to care for the baby forever. But I’m not sure that either of our bodies could handle another child. My back is hurting as I write this.
I’ve never had a surgery like this before. I’ve had a couple of skin cancers removed, but that doesn’t seem to be as big a deal. I’m scared to have this part of my body operated on. But I will do it for the sense of peace it will provide us.
Do you have any questions about the procedure? Let me know in the comments or on Threads. I’ll do my best to answer any serious questions sent my way.
Make sure you follow me on Instagram and Facebook. I won’t livestream the operation, but I will post updates there. Also, make sure you sign up for the mailing list to get alerts when there’s a new post and get access to members-only content on the site.
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