still here.ac885614e9954f14b525723053d77c6d

After a solid run from January to now, I managed to post at least one post a week on the site until last week. While I did get busy and had limited writing time, I also decided to focus a little more on my creative writing.

If you’ve been keeping up here, you’ll know that my dream job has been to become an author. I mentioned it when I posted about being at a crossroads if you missed it. The site’s goal has always been to get my writing out there, and for a while, I thought writing blogs and building a non-fiction resume would help me get to a point where I could help provide for my family more quickly.

But honestly, those posts are just gaining me pennies, and I haven’t had time to commit to a full freelance schedule that includes planning, pitching, submitting, and editing. I’ve been lucky to get all the posts I’ve written out.

Writing my stay-at-home dad posts has been fun and hasn’t caused me stress, but they aren’t the end goal. So, I thought I would take a little break to focus on some creative writing. I have four short stories in various stages right now, and I have a novel that’s still about half done with a first draft.

Right now, I’m trying to decide what to do with those stories. I want to submit them to get them published somewhere, but that means a long time between submission and publication, which means I wouldn’t have much to post here. However, I might publish them here or on a story service to see what I can build.

That doesn’t mean that my parent blogs are going away. I still have a few of those brewing, but I just wanted to take the focus somewhere else for a minute. If you miss those posts, let me know on Threads, and I will see if I can find some time somewhere to get one worked on in the meantime. Of course, you can still see lots of parenting thoughts and opinions on my social feeds; however, right now, I’m struggling with my oldest and his threenager stage. I haven’t had much luck dealing with it, and I don’t have much to say about it yet.

Regardless, the site isn’t dead or dormant. Things are in the works, so don’t forget me or delete your bookmark!

Thanks as always for your time and support. It means the world to me. I hope to entertain you more soon.

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