So you want to know how to write a novel but don’t know where to start. You’ve had an idea floating around in your head that you think would make a great book, but you don’t know what to do next. Maybe you have some thoughts that you think could be the next best seller, but tackling it seems daunting.
Writing a novel isn’t easy. It takes lots of practice and dedication to become a good novelist. The following list contains all the articles I’ve written that could teach you how to write a novel. These articles contain information and writing exercises to help you get your thoughts onto the page and get the writing going.
This page will get updated as more writing exercises, and tips come out.
How To Write A Novel
By going through the following exercises, you’ll be ready to tackle the novel you’ve been thinking about for a while now.
Before you get going, realize that this is a long process and won’t be completed in a day. Learning how to write a novel takes time and experience. The following exercises follow my process for how to write a novel, but there are many more ways. Every writer should try to find a process that works for them and constantly be looking to add new exercises and techniques.
Choose a Killer Theme
While the theme of a story might not be the first thing people think about, choosing a theme early can help focus your writing. It gives your characters a target to move towards and you as a writer to write toward.
A solid theme can also bring life to a story that might be spinning out of control.
Create a Character Readers Will Love

Next, learn how to create a character readers will love. Think about what makes them unique. Is he/she funny? Smart? Kind? Cruel? Do they have a secret? Maybe they’re just plain old boring. Whatever your character is, make him/her real. Give them goals, dreams, fears, hopes, and desires. Let them struggle with those things. Don’t let them simply exist.
Tips to Creating a Great Story Outline – Plotting a Character Arc with 5 Scenes

These tips will give you tips to get your first five scenes on the page while also helping to create a dynamic character that grows through your story. These tentpole scenes will drive your story and create character growth while helping you write the important scenes.
Character Development Exercises – Filling In the Cracks

The exercises in this section will help you fill in the stuff between your 5 character arcs. It will help you create characters that are more real, while trying to tie in their characteristics to the story.
Finding the Right Software
I don’t have much written about finding the right software for your writing style yet, but this is a good post that can help you select what might help you.
More to Come
This is just the beginning. There will be much more to come as I get the chance to write more. Bookmark this page if you find anything of interest. Of course, if you found something helpful here, please share it and help me get the word out!
Books by Jarrett S. Smith
I have used this method for all of my works.
Check out some of the works by Jarrett S. Smith.
A Novella Letty Rose and the Mistaken Identity for Amazon Kindle or Apple Books.
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