Stranger Things season 3 was great. If you haven’t watched it yet, I highly recommend that you do so! But as the credits closed and Netflix recommend me a new show, I still had a few questions.
Here are my 6 biggest questions about Stranger Things season 3

Why were Joyce’s magnets the only one effected
At the beginning of the season, Joyce picks up some magnets from the ground. She picks the magnets up and places them back on the fridge which holds up a momento from Bob, her boyfriend who died in Stranger Things season 2. It seemed like such a small thing at the time.
When I first watched this scene, I felt like it Bob was going to have a larger part in the story somehow. But that never happened.
Instead, a few episodes later, the magnets at Joyce’s work have fallen down and lost their magnetism as well. This leads her to believe that the scientists are back in Hawkins, which leads her and Hopper to discover Russians plot underneath the city.
But is Joyce the only one whose magnets are losing their magnetic connection? If the Russian reactor is causing the magnets to fall to the ground, shouldn’t everyone’s magnets be losing their
No one else notices it, or doesn’t think anything about it though the entire season.
Could Bob be sending her a sign from the Upside Down or something. Could he be the one that sends her on her quest to find answer? I guess we’ll never know.
Did anyone notice the missing people?
Billy, under the control of the Mind Flayer, starts to recruit the people of Hawkins for its team. Some of the people become pawns of the Mind Flayer, while some just explode and become an actual part of the Mind Flayer.
Now, most of this happens later in the season, but doesn’t anyone even notice that some of the people of the city have gone missing? Maybe it was too late in the season to realize that people had gone missing since the last few episodes appear to happen over the space of a few hours. However, at the end of the episode, we fast forward three months and there’s no mention of all the people that died from the Mind Flayer.
Tying into that, were there any people left under the Mind Flayer’s control when he died? Did they revert back to normal? I’m assuming that there weren’t any mind-controlled people left besides Billy at the end, but that is never confirmed.
Is Hopper really dead?
I think the biggest question of the entire season could be “Is Hopper really dead?” Hopper has been a main character in the series from the very beginning of the show. He’s been one of my favorite characters because he is a little mysterious and a lot of fun.
While I complained that this season he and Joyce bickered a little too much, his last moments on screen were still some of the best of the series.
Hopper fights the Russian enforcer besides the machine that is drilling into the Upside Down doorway. Hopper has to basically throw the Terminator-like bad guy into the machine which breaks and traps him in the room. We know from the very first scene of the series and from Alexi’s instructions that once the keys are turned, everyone in the room will be melted alive. I’m not sure melted alive is any better than imploding and becoming part of the Mind Flayer, but I digress.
The electric drill continues boring into the doorway. Hopper realizes the situation he is in and barely looks around. He nods to Joyce who turns the key and then KA-BOOM!
On screen we see some random scientist burn up but we never see Hopper again. There’s no clothing, there’s not even a body. He is gone.
The end of episode provides us with a beautifully written letter by Hopper to Eleven and Mike. If Hopper is truly gone, this makes a beautiful sentiment from the man towards his daughter. If he returns, does it negate the letter he wrote? It sure would make his death less impactful to the cast, but at the same time, I’d like to see him return.
So, if there’s
Who is the America?
In the mid-credit scene, we return to the Russian base. Two guards march down to collect someone, when one says to the other “No, not the American.”
Of course, the viewers are lead to believe that Hopper is probably behind that door, especially with what follows(that’s the next questions). Of course the Duffer Brothers are savvy enough to set our expectations and then knock them down, but the hint is there.
But, is it Hopper behind that door? Could it be someone else? One theory is that the American could be Dr. Brenner, the scientist that started this all in season 1. It could be someone new as well. We will have to see when season 4 roles around.
How did the Russian’s get a demogorgan?
When the Russians pass up the American, they pick a Russian prisoner and take him down to a dungeon whose floor is covered in blood. We as the audience know that something bad is going to happen, but I wasn’t fully prepared for the Demogorgan to appear.
The Russians feed the prisoner to the
So my question is: Where did the Russian get the creature from the Upside Down? Alexi stated that they were in Hawkins trying to break the door down because they couldn’t make it through in Russia. Did the Russians manage to break through and transport a demogorgon back to Russia? That doesn’t seem likely since it would kill everyone that tried to come near it.
Is there another location that was opened? Did someone manage to capture one during the first season? So many questions!
What happened to Eleven’s powers?
By the end of the show, Eleven has lost her powers. It is never really fully explained what happened with her powers though.
During the get away from the cabin, the Mind Flayer was able to dig its claws into her. Once they got to the mall, they even saw that there was a part of the Mind Flayer inside her wound. Luckily, Eleven was able to use her powers to levitate that piece out of her. It earned her Badass of the Year, but after that, her powers started to run out.
Eleven even tells Hopper that her battery is running low and that it needs to recharge. As we see at the end, even after 3 months, her powers still haven’t returned to her.
So what happened to her powers? It seems like a little more than she was just tired since her powers haven’t returned by the end of the season. Did the Mind Flayer have something to do with her losing her powers? Did the Russians do something more than close the portal somehow?
Wrap up
Those were my biggest questions after watching Season three of Stranger Things. What questions do you have? Post them in the comments below!