Welcome to another Tech Tip Tuesday!
This week, we’re going to be customizing the dock on the Apple Watch.
What is the Dock?
On the Apple Watch, a press of the large square button near the crown (the crown is the the spinning part) brings up the dock on your Apple Watch. By default, the Dock is populated with your most recently used Apps in order.
But if you have Apps that you use all the time, you might want them in a certain spot all the time. I prefer this method so that I’ll always know how to get the message, music, or workout App whenever I need it. This way, I won’t have to go hunting for it when I need it.
How to customize the Dock
To customize the Dock you start on your iPhone.
- Find and open the Watch App on your iPhone.
- Scroll down to find the Dock option.
- Inside you’ll have 2 options: Recents and Favorites, by default Recents is selected.
- If you want to pick what is in your Dock and where, choose Favorites.
- To add, subtract, or move an app hit edit in the top right.
- You can hit the green plus button to add an app.
- Hit the red minus button to delete an app.
- Push and hold on the icon on the right side of an app to drag it where you want the app to go.
- Hit done and wait.
- Your watch should update relatively quickly.
Add to the Dock from your Apple Watch
If you find that you’d like to add an App to your Dock, but you don’t have your Apple Watch handy, you can still add to it.

- Push the crown to reveal all your apps and open the one you’d like to add (or use Siri to open the app)
- With the App open on your watch, press the Dock Button.
- Your Dock will open and you will see your app. Wait a moment, and the App will slide up and offer you an “Add to Dock” button.
- Press “Add to Dock” and the App will be added.
It’s that simple.
Wrap Up
Adding your favorite Apps to a list makes it easier and more familiar to find those apps that you use most often.
Have you added your favorites to your Dock or do you like the most recent apps? Let me know in the comments.
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