report from google Adsense

I think its time to update the site a little bit.

As I’ve written on Threads and Facebook, I haven’t had much time to work on the site in the past year. Acting as a stay-at-home dad hasn’t allowed me much time to work on the site. But now, my kids are in school programs a couple of days a week. I’m finding time to do more work on the website.

To that end, I’m getting rid of the ads. Now, I know what you are thinking: He’s doing so well that he doesn’t need that ad income.

But really, that ad income isn’t much. I’m earning maybe two dollars a month right now. I haven’t had enough time to stay consistent with my writing to build much, but that will improve.

But for now, I want to get rid of the ads. They feel gross when I look at the site and aren’t doing much to help. So, I’m going to get rid of them for a while. Maybe that will help the page’s SEO since it will speed things up a little.

If you’d like to help, there are a few things that you can do to help me though. Please share pages from here. The more I can get the word out, the better. Plus, it brings in more traffic which will in turn, help me rank higher in searches. You can also read any of my stories over at Vocal. I get a little money for every read.

Make sure you are following me on Threads, Facebook, Instagram, and Vocal.Media.

Of course, you can also donate or set up monthly contributions to Ko-Fi. Every little bit helps!

Also, if you’d like to sponsor the website, please feel free to email me, and I’ll be happy to promote you!

Be on the lookout for more in the coming weeks. I have a couple of short stories coming, as well as some tech stuff about the new iPhone 16s.

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