The future is on its way. I’m so excited about some new technology for the first time in a long time. The old me would have jumped in feet first and bought an Apple Vision Pro despite costing around four thousand dollars.
When it launched, I headed to the Apple Store and got my Apple Vision Pro Demo. I saw the future and wanted it. But I ended up staying strong. The following are why I didn’t jump into the future right now.
The Cost of the Apple Vision Pro

The first reason I didn’t buy one is, I’m sure, the same reason most people haven’t. The cost of the device is too much.
It is well-documented that I am currently a stay-at-home dad. The only income I make comes from a couple of tennis lessons and this site, which only generates a couple of cents a day. It would be too risky to spend that much money on anything. We could take the entire family on vacation for the device’s price.
I tried to justify buying one, though. I could buy one for a while, use it to see if it fits my workflow, and return it before the window closed. Meanwhile, I could write about my experience on the site. While I’ve seen many tech journalists put the device through its paces—and those got me more excited to use it— I haven’t noticed a writer’s workflow on the thing.
That might appeal to some of my audience.
I could also write about using it as a parent, but I’m not sure that I would have a good chance to do that. I’m not sure that I would want to do that. If my kids saw me wearing it, they would want to grab it and play with it. Plus, it would take my focus away—more on that later.
No Time to Use it
For a device that costs so much, I wouldn’t have much time to explore it right now. I spend all day wrestling with the kids. I hardly have time to work on my writing these days.
If I had an Apple Vision Pro, I could only use it for about thirty minutes in the mornings and a couple of hours when my youngest naps and my oldest goes to school. Of course, the idea of being able to work while hanging out with them appeals to me. When I work and the kids are around, it only takes seconds before they sit on my lap or want to see what I’m doing and hijack my laptop. I can’t imagine what they would do if I wore this headset, although I am curious to see what they would do.
When my kids are older and don’t need me as much, I’m sure there will be newer and cheaper models of the Vision Pro. By then, it might be a justified purchase. Plus, more apps I use will likely proliferate to the spatial computer.
It would be nice to have a headset for when I need to recover from my coming vasectomy operation. From what I hear about the recovery, though, it will only take a few days to return to normal. While I’m recovering, I’ll still have to be around to help manage the kids (we’ll have someone over to assist, but I’ll still need to be around and pick up the oldest from school).
So, I don’t think the limited time I’d have to use it would be justified, especially with that price.
Unfocused Attention
I can’t focus on one thing when I have time to sit down and work. While working, I have to have a baby monitor nearby or at least an ear on my kids while they play.

Part of the appeal of the Apple Vision Pro over something like my Meta Quest 2 is the ability to see the real world while you’re using it. Yes, you can tune out the world, but I want to see my windows in the real world. I would love to put my windows all over my office, so I need to turn my eyes to get to a new window.
But then, how would my attention be? Would I end up tuning out the world entirely as I worked? It’s easy for me to be present now when I work because I can just put the baby monitor under my computer monitor and glance at it frequently. When I’m needed, I can rush off to help. I don’t have to take off a visor or anything to get to the baby.
I never put my Quest 2 on until another adult is home with me. I’m sure that once the baby wakes up and cries, I will hear them, but I feel like that is too much of a risk.
Use Case
As a technophile, I want to play with all the new stuff. That’s what excites me about this. The interface looks bonkers in a good way. I want to wave my hands around and fill my office with windows.
However, I’m unsure how this device would fit into my workflow. My current writing app, Ulysses, doesn’t have a native app. The developer has even said they don’t have a Vision Pro app on the roadmap. I’m not even sure it would work as a compatible iPad app.
And what about my other apps? It is still early days for the Vision Pro App Store. So, would I get to use any of my everyday apps? Of course, I could mirror my Mac screen to get at my apps, but from all the reviews, the Vision Pro Mac screen wouldn’t look as good as my iMac’s. The best use case for that seems to be when traveling with a small-screen Mac.
With my Meta Quest 2, I only found games to play. I tried to use some productivity apps but never used multiple windows. Seeing it blow up in a virtual space was neat, but it also made it hard to use. Once I stopped gaming, the Quest 2 sat on the shelf untouched for a long time.
Let’s say my apps are there. Would I want to use the Vision Pro for that long? I hear that it can cause eye strain. That wouldn’t be so good.
Plus, the returns are piling up as the return window closes for those who bought on launch day
Still, I Want an Apple Vision Pro

There are tons of reasons why not to get this device, but it still calls to me. I just checked to see if the local Apple Store has some in stock—they do. Maybe I could get one to play with just until after my surgery?
But no. The time isn’t right.
I’m sure future versions of this thing will be better and hopefully cheaper. So, for now, I’ll remain strong.
But you never know; maybe I’ll get one and post about it on my social accounts, so make sure you follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Threads.
Did you buy an Apple Vision Pro? Let me know in the comments or on Threads what you think and what your workflow is like.
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And finally, if you can spare some change, the site can always use donations. It takes a lot to keep this thing going for the pennies I make on it a day. But I love running this thing and couldn’t do it without you!