
I had planned to write up my rumor report for all the rumored updates coming to iOS this fall, but that article is a bit daunting. There are honeslty, so many cool things coming. I’m still in the midst of writing it all up, but before I actually get to release it, I wanted to make this feature request for the future – on device Siri.

Lost Connection


Siri has invaded our lives whether we want her there or not. She is in our iPhones, Apple Watches, AirPods, HomePods, Tv and just about anything that Apple touches. I’m waiting for Apple to find a way to add Siri to the Apple Pencil, they just haven’t found a way to add a microphone, but when they do, expect a price increase!

Every time Apple adds Siri to a device I start to think, “I’ll never use that.” Every time I get said device though, I start using Siri. I start to like Siri better than I did before.

Right now, when I go running and want to be hands-free, Siri is nowhere to be found.

I love the new AirPods with the “Hey Siri” feature when I have my phone. But when I’m out for a run with just my Apple Watch, Siri isn’t there.

The Issue

Here’s the issue: When you invoke Siri, a request is sent through the internet and then you get your answer or command sent back. If you don’t have internet, Siri has nowhere to go, she doesn’t get an answer. She waits trying to connect until it’s gone on too long, or you cancel your request. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

I know that if you have the LTE Apple Watch, Siri is there all the time, but I didn’t get the LTE Apple Watch this year.

When I run outside (99% of my runs are outside) I don’t take my phone with me. I load up a playlist on my watch and use my AirPods and everything works pretty well. Using the tapping gesture on the AirPods is awesome for changing a song on the go. It’s a quick interaction that takes no effort or focus. If you need to turn the volume up while you’re running however, you might as well just stop.

If you are using with the standard Workout App, you’ll be able to swipe over a screen and get access to your music controls. Still, it’s not the best to try and control while you are actually running. You should probably stop.

If you are using another app to track your runs, you’ll have to get out of the app, find the Now Playing widget/app and change whatever then go back to your app so that it doesn’t crash or stop tracking.

Using the Apple Watch to glance at data is great. Trying to control music or something else on a run, is not. Unless you have Siri.

If Siri just worked on controlling music without the internet, things would be much better. Siri is designed to be hands-free, and it’s frustrating when she doesn’t work. It’s even more frustrating when she pauses the music to try and reach a signal from Siri-Home-Base and waits- and waits – and waits.


Now, I know all of this can be solved by just getting the LTE version of the watch. I even wrote about it which one you should get. I’ve owned an LTE version and opted not to get it this year.

For the cost per month for the little bit of time that I actually need it though, doesn’t justify itself. That’s on top of the higher price of the watch itself. If the monthly price from the carriers was less, say $5-7 dollars a month, I might reconsider.

What I’d rather happen, is for Apple to add on device Siri controls for music and other system settings. I’m not a developer (yet) so I don’t know how that would work, but if anyone can solve it, I’d think it would be Apple.

Wrap Up

Is this an issue that you’ve run into? Is it something that you’d like to see added to Siri? Am I just being spoiled? Let me know in the comments!

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