
Well, here we are again. You reading this, and me explaining myself.

I’d like to say that I’ve been busy, and I have, but honestly, that’s not why I haven’t posted in a few weeks. I have been busy, as I mentioned, I finished the first draft of my novel, but I’ve also been focusing on work and a couple of writing project have headed my way.

I hope that I can post about some of my creative endeavors here shortly. My passion has always been about writing creatively, and that’s what I’ve invested my time in lately. Once my current projects are finished, published, or rejected, I’ll post them here. For now, it is secrecy.

I will say that one is a short story that I hope to submit to contest, one is a screenplay that should get produced sometime in the next year, and finally, I tried to write a pilot spec script set in the Star Wars Universe.

Still, I have had ideas for blog posts I want to post. I finished up my Mac 2020 wishlist today (which I had started back in the first week of the year, but took forever to get time to work on. I’m going to try to get through all of the Apple product lines in the coming weeks.

I also want to continue to write about fitness and the Apple Watch and iPhone, but between all my writing endeavors and trying to get my own fitness back, I haven’t gotten to spend much time on it. I will direct you to my fitness post from last year through and my Apple Watch running app competition, which seems to be popular on Google this time of year.

I hope that I can keep posting consistently, but I’m not going to promise anything.

Thank you all that have stuck with me though! I really do appreciate you all. I hope that I can continue to grow the site and continue to write things that you want to read.

Have a great 2020, and check back soon!

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